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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Real Security Models

Lots of folks like to wring their hands over the Big Vague Concept (BVC™) labeled "security".

There's a lot of quibbling. Let's move beyond BVC to the interesting stuff.

I've wasted hours listening to people identify risks and costs of something that's not very complex. I've been plagued by folks throwing up the "We don't know what we don't know" objection to a web services interface. This objection amounts to "We don't know every possible vulnerability; therefore we don't know how to secure it; therefore all architectures are bad and we should stop development right now!" The OWASP top-ten list, for some reason, doesn't sway them into thinking that security is actually manageable.

What's more interesting than quibbling over BVC, is determining the authorization rules.


Two of the pillars of security are Authentication (who are you?) and Authorization (what are you allowed to do?)

Authentication is not something to be invented. It's something to be used. In our case, with an Apache/Django application, the Django authentication system works nicely for identity management. It supports a simple model of users, passwords and profiles.
We're moving to Open SSO. This takes identity management out of Django.

The point is that authentication is -- largely -- a solved problem. Don't invent. It's solved and it's easy to get wrong. Download or License an established product for identity management
and use it for all authentication.


The Authorization problem is always more nuanced, and more interesting, than Authentication. Once we know who the user is, we still have to determine what they're really allowed to do. This varies a lot. A small change to the organization, or a business process, can have a ripple effect through the authorization rules.

In the case of Django, there is a "low-level" set of authorization tests that can be attached to each view function. Each model has an implicit set of three permissions (can_add, can_delete and can_change). Each view function can test to see if the current user has the required permission. This is done through a simple permission_required decorator on each view function.

However, that's rarely enough information for practical — and nuanced — problems.

The auth profile module can be used to provide additional authorization information. In our case, we just figured out that we have some "big picture" authorizations. For sales and marketing purposes, some clusters of features are identified as "products" (or "features" or "options" or something). They aren't smallish things like Django models. They aren't largish things like whole sites. They're intermediate things based on what customers like to pay for (and not pay for).

Some of these "features" map to Django applications. That's easy. The application view functions can all simply refuse to work if the user's contract doesn't include the option.

Sadly, however, some "features" are part of an application. Drat. We have two choices here.
  • Assure that there's a "default" option and configure the feature or the default at run time. For a simple class (or even a simple module) this isn't too hard. Picking a class to instantiate at run time is pretty standard OO programming.
  • Rewrite the application to refactor it into two applications: the standard version and the optional version. This can be hard when the feature shows up as one column in a displayed list of objects or one field in a form showing object details. However, it's very Django to have applications configured dynamically in the settings file.
Our current structure is simple: all customers get all applications. We have to move away from that to mix-and-match applications on a per-customer basis. And Django supports this elegantly.

Security In Depth

This leads us to the "Defense in Depth" buzzword bingo. We have SSL. We have SSO. We have high-level "product" authorizations. We have fine-grained Django model authorizations.

So far, all of this is done via Django group memberships, allowing us to tweak permissions through the auth module. Very handy. Very nice. And we didn't invent anything new.

All we invented was our high-level "product" authorization. This is a simple many-to-many relationship between the Django Profile model and a table of license terms and conditions with expiration dates.

Django rocks. The nuanced part is fine-tuning the available bits and pieces to match the marketing and sales pitch and the the legal terms and conditions in the contracts and statements of work.

1 comment:

  1. What about

    OpenSSO Express has been removed for download from Oracle's website, leaving users of the community version of what was Sun's single sign-on platform to either, build their own version from source code, or to go to a third party. Norwegian company ForgeRock has stepped in and released OpenAM, based on OpenSSO source code.


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